Monday, March 24, 2008


So, lately I've been feeling a little restless here in Butte. After gallivanting around Europe for 4 months, being "stuck" in a town where the hangout [for non-drinkers] is Walmart is not quite my idea of fun. Every so often I think, "to heck with school, I'm buying a ticket back to Europe!" Then my better judgment kicks in [luckily] before I do anything rash. **Here's an interesting fact - the verb "rashen" in German means to rush. I thought that was cool.** But I guess really, you could be "stuck" anywhere - it's not so much being stuck in a small town or something, but actually being stuck in a [negative] state of mind. So now I just have to find ways to stay busy and to do the things I want to. I don't have to live in New York or Paris just to design. I can (and should) do it wherever I am.

Well, along with everything else, I've been doing a little re-evaluation of what I want to do with my life. I'm currently majoring in Interior Design - and I love it, but I'm not completely satisfied. The problem? I love to cook, to bake, to create culinary delights. How to solve this problem? "Go to culinary school!" my chef-friend tells me. Well that sounds wonderful. Actually, it's something I've always wanted to do, but never really thought it was something I could do. Well, phooey on them, because I'm going. I don't know when exactly, and it won't be for a couple years yet, but I'm excited to have finally decided on it.

I decided that what I want to do is finish up and graduate at BYU (as quickly as possible) and then move to New York and attend the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) and complete their Associates program. It's one of the best cooking schools there is, and with world-class chefs coming in from around the world as instructors, it's exactly what I want. ....Now to come up with the money....

On a different note, spring seems to finally be coming in Butte. Slowly, yes, but it's coming! I'm so excited! I think I'm being a little stubborn as well. Anytime the temperature reaches above 38 degrees I roll down my windows when I'm driving (even if it means turning the heat onto my feet so I don't freeze) :) It's so nice to finally have the sun out along with halfway decent weather! I even saw flowers starting to come up the other day!


tbone said...
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tbone said...

yeah, i'm just good like that ;) but i was wondering if you could take my last name off the link on your blog. i know this sounds like paranoia, but i really don't want a certain somebody to find me. haha maybe i'm going anything else new in butte? when are you coming back to provo?

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fantabulous idea. Maybe I'll see you in New York in a couple o' years, who knows?

meagan said...

Did you know CIA has a school here too- well, just north of Napa. We should go when you come out to take care of me:)

"My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunities."
- Diana Ross