Friday, August 10, 2007

Only 19 days until Vienna! I'm soooo excited! I fly out on 29. Aug. 2007. I can't believe that the summer's gone by so fast! I guess life just goes by faster as you get older. I'm officially 20 now (as of last Saturday) and I'm having so much fun teasing my parents about how old they are!
In retrospect, I'm so glad that I came home for the summer. I know I would have had a blast down in Provo, but I've been able to learn so much this summer - about myself. It's really been great getting to work with my dad, too. I feel like I've been able to spend a lot more time with my family (obviously more than I would have had I stayed in Provo) and develop a little better relationship with my parents. I've also been able to focus on developing a sronger relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I'm very grateful for that opportunity.
Last week I realized that, since I'll be in Vienna I won't be able to write to Michael as regularly as I have been (and I won't be in the states to send him something on his 1year mark - Oct. 18) so, I decided to send him a care package now. I actually had a lot of fun putting it together - nothing too extravagant, just a few treats complete with quotes and scriptures. I was also in the mood to draw something and I decided to do one of the temples. I looked at a few and decided on the Newport Beach, CA Temple. I think it's abslutely beautiful. It also happens to be "Michael's temple," so I sent that to him also. I love doing things like that (coming up with cute and creative ideas and sending people care packages) - it's so fun! :D
Now I'm down to the line just trying to take care of some last minute details before I leave. Like packing. I really ought to start soon so I know what I still need... hmmm
Well, there's no time like the present, so I'll be back soon!
Bis bald!

1 comment:

meagan said...

Did Michael like his package? We are going to SLC tonight for the weekend- Olia is getting married; and Julia just got married... I think the Voges will be there too:) Did you email them?

"My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunities."
- Diana Ross