Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hi! So, Vienna is absolutely amazing! I'm so excited to be here and to learn everything. Yesterday I finally rode the U-bahn (subway) for the first time by myself. It's kinda scary, but fun at the same time. (Definitely not something that you come across in Montana.) Before church on Sunday a couple of us went to Mass at the St. Augustin Cathedral. The choir sang Mozart's "Laudate Dominum" with a live orchestra and everything! It was so amazing! This next Sunday the Pope is coming to Vienna so we decided that we're going to try to ga and see him.
Mein Hausfrau (the woman I am living with) is Margret Weymann. She is such a sweetheart! I really like her. Margret's husband is German-Canadian and he's actually in Canada until November. Next week she's actually going to Canada so I'll be by myself for a little while. I don't have a roommate, but it's kinda nice. I'm having fun figuring out my way around everything. There's so much to see here in Vienna!!

This was our first morning in Vienna at breakfast. We had hot chocolate and it was probably the most amazing thing I have ever had! All of the chocolate here is amazing!

..more pics coming soon...

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"My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunities."
- Diana Ross