Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Baden, Liesl, and Home.

A week or so ago, we took a jaunt over to Baden. It’s a lovely little town that is basically built around the hot springs. We spent a couple hours wandering around the won before we headed to the baths. We walked through a few of the Christmas Markets and then took a detailed tour of the parking complex for the baths while we searched for the baths themselves. Finally we found it, noted the prices and hours it was open, and headed out to find lunch. I opted for my typical European afternoon meal – bread, meat, and cheese. Like usual, it was excellent.

After lunch, we hiked up to the Beethoven Temple. It gave us a really pretty view over the town. After we had seen that, we walked past the Mozart Temple before heading to the baths.

The baths were fantastic! In one of the pools, the water was just the perfect temperature. Every few minutes there were different water jets that would go off every couple minutes. Some places the water was shooting up out of the ground and others it was bubbling all over. It was really fun to try to jump/swim over the jets. It was pretty forceful and rather hard to get over. If you did it just right though, you could float on your back on top of the jet, above the rest of the water. It was so cool! After playing in that pool, we crawled under the bridge and jumped into the next pool. This one was a little deeper and there were no fun islands or water jets. However, I liked this pool much better. The water was a little cooler – the perfect temperature for swimming laps. The ceiling/roof above the pool was made of big glass tiles that you could kind of see through. You could also wee your reflection in it. It was amazing! You could see yourself floating through the sky and it looked like you were flying. What was even cooler, was that there was water playing under water! When you were swimming you could hear the music. It was cool underwater-type music and it kind of makes you feel like a mermaid! It was such a fun day!

Now on to the main reason for this post. Liesl. On the way home from Baden, I had my camera and got bored. Liesl was sitting across from me, so I had some fun. She has so many crazy facial expressions! It’s great!

My next item of business - I'm coming home tomorrow!!! I can't believe it's come so soon! Things are all going so fast. I'll add more pictures to this blog later. I've gotta run to dinner and then finish packing!


Liesl said...

Yeah... that's me. I'm so... so... what's the word? I can't think of the word. I just defy description, I suppose.

meagan said...

The baths sound fun... especially the mermaid experience. I can't believe you are coming/are home... that semester flew by- I guess you better apply for another study abroad- Jerusalem in the Spring/Summer? You won't regret it!

"My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunities."
- Diana Ross