Monday, January 26, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Wow. It's already the end of January! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. As I looked at the date on my last post I decided that I should probably write something. My life has taken some interesting twists and turns in the past few months.
When I was younger, I used to look at people in the movies and think that they had to coolest lives and I would wish that my life was more exciting. Well, I got my wish. Basically, my life is like a movie, and just when I think it's finally over, something new happens. Recently it's been rather stressful (that, and school are what have kept me from adding to my blog), but when I'm able to take a step back and look at the big picture, it's rather amusing!
(*keep in mind movies like "The Notebook," "Made of Honor," and "Bride Wars.")

"Once upon a time there was a girl... She was dating a really great guy, but while visiting an out-of-state friend she was set up on a blind 'fun date'. She had a great time with the blind date, but still really liked her boyfriend. Sadly, her boyfriend went to a different school so she rarely got to see him. Mr. Blind Date, however, went to the same school as her and they enjoyed spending most of their time together doing fun things that friends do. Soon, Mr. Blind Date became Mr. Wonderful and she broke up with her boyfriend and started dating Mr. Wonderful. Just when she thought things were going smoothly, Mr. Fantastic decided to jump into the picture.

Mr. Fantastic was her best friend and missionary whom she had been writing to faithfully for 3.5 years. He came home from his mission and she decided to take a road trip out to see him. As fantastic and awesome as he was, and even though she had hoped/planned to marry him soon after he came home, she was falling in love with Mr. Wonderful. She started talking to Mr. Fantastic more often and she found out that they would be living next door starting in January, as well as taking one of the same classes. Then one night he asked her not to rush into the decision she was facing with Mr. Wonderful and to marry him instead. Unsure of what to do, she decided she needed some time away from both guys to figure things out. She wasn't that lucky. Then very next day, she was swept off to an incredible restaurant by Mr. Wonderful where he asked her to be his wife. As if two proposals in two days by the two men int the world she would marry wasn't quite enough excitement, she received a surprising phone call the following day. Mr. Fantastic had flown out to visit for the weekend! Talk about crazy!

After spending time with both Mr. Wonderful and Mr. Fantastic, she knew she had to make a decision fast. There was more stress, confusion, and sleep deprivation than she would have liked, and she almost lost the most incredible man in world, but in the end it all worked out. Taking into account the timing of things and her future plans among many other things, she realized that marrying Mr. Wonderful was the right decision. It was one of the hardest decisions she'd ever made, but now she is completely in love with Mr. Wonderful and couldn't be happier because that's exactly what he is: wonderful.

Now she had hoped that was the end of the story and they would get married and live happily ever after. Well, for the most part that's how it goes. But you didn't think her life would be so dull did you? Since October she had been tentatively planning bits and pieces of her wedding and was now able to dive in full force and get everything planned. The wedding date was set. As she searched for a place to hold the reception, she got the exciting news. Her roommate was getting married! What fun! Now the two of them could work on wedding plans together. Then they set the date and picked a location. Her roommate was getting married the same day as her. In the same place. One hour after she was!!! Was this some kind of joke? How impossible! Ah, but of course, knowing the story of her life, she should have expected something like this. Now not only does she have to plan a wedding while going to school, but she gets to make sure everything stays civil and friendly in all of the wedding planning that's going on.

I guess we'll just have to wait to see what will happen next..."

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Ah, so YOU ended up writing down your story instead. I'm very happy for you. :) And your fiancee is very, very wonderful. You made a great choice.

"My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunities."
- Diana Ross